Recovery and Discovery: Journey to IT

Recovery and Discovery: A Journey to Technology



Maria a successful business analyst, was on the verge of burnout. Her job, once exciting and energizing, had become a burden. The sleepless nights, endless reports and deadlines exhausted her. She felt mired in a routine and saw no way out.

“I'm tired of this endless chase for numbers,” - Maria thought. “I need a change, but where do I go?”

A Rescue Offer


Her friend, noticing her condition, offered a solution:

“Why don't you consider the IT field? It's a dynamic industry that is constantly evolving. You can find a new lease of life for your career there.”

Maria was intrigued, but also skeptical. She had no technical education, and IT seemed like a foreign world to her. But curiosity got the better of her, and she decided to explore the idea.

Discovering IT


She started by exploring different professions in IT:


  • Programming: Creating software, from web applications to complex systems.
  • Web Development: Designing and developing websites, turning ideas into online experiences.
  • Data Management: Organizing and analyzing data to support business decisions.


Each area was like a new discovery, and Maria began to realize that IT offered many opportunities.

Introduction to AI.


During her research, she came across artificial intelligence (AI):

“AI is not the future, but the present. It is already changing many industries, including IT,” Maria read in one of the articles.

She learned that AI could analyze data, create customized solutions, and even generate content. But there were also caveats:


  • Pros: AI can increase productivity, improve decision-making processes, and offer customized recommendations.
  • Cons: Privacy issues, potential job losses, and the need for an ethical framework.


Maria realized that AI is not just a technology, but a complex phenomenon that requires understanding and a cautious approach.

Integrating AI into Life


She began to imagine how AI could improve her life:

A personal assistant: An AI assistant that helps with everyday tasks and provides personalized recommendations.
Work in IT: Using AI to automate routine tasks, allowing you to focus on more creative aspects.
Education: AI-powered learning platforms offer individualized learning tailored to the learner's needs.


New Vision.


The introduction to IT and AI gave Maria a new vision. She realized that she could find her place in this field by combining her analytical skills with new technologies.

“Maybe I can become a bridge between business and technology, using AI to improve decision-making processes,” - Maria thought.

The beginning of the Journey


Maria decided to start a new chapter in her life. She enrolled in a programming course and started researching AI and its applications. Her journey to recover and discover new potential was just beginning.

Nancy Wilkinson

1 Blog posts
